Product Information. Mourning the death of loved ones and recovering from their loss are universal human experiences, yet the grieving process is as different between cultures as it is among individuals. As late as the 1960s, the Wari’ Indians of the western Amazonian rainforest ate the roasted flesh of their dead as an expression of compassion for the deceased and for his or her close relatives. By removing and transforming the corpse, which embodied ties between the living and the dead and was a focus of grief for the family of the deceased, Wari’ death rites helped the bereaved kin accept their loss and go on with their lives.
Drawing on the recollections of Wari’ elders who participated in consuming the dead, this book presents one of the richest, most authoritative ethnographic accounts of funerary cannibalism ever recorded. Beth Conklin explores Wari’ conceptions of person, body, and spirit, as well as indigenous understandings of memory and emotion, to explain why the Wari’ felt that corpses must be destroyed and why they preferred cannibalism over cremation. Her findings challenge many commonly held beliefs about cannibalism and show why, in Wari’ terms, it was considered the most honorable and compassionate way of treating the dead.
♥ Book Title: Veiled Sentiments♣ Name Author: Lila Abu-Lughod∞ Launching: 2016-09-06◊ Info ISBN Link: 499⊗ Detail ISBN code: ⊕ Number Pages: Total 384 sheet♮ News id: -7QwDwAAQBAJ☯ Full Synopsis: 'First published in 1986, Lila Abu-Lughod’s Veiled Sentiments has become a classic ethnography in the field of anthropology. During the late 1970s and early 1980s, Abu-Lughod lived with a community of Bedouins in the Western Desert of Egypt for nearly two years, studying gender relations, morality, and the oral lyric poetry through which women and young men express personal feelings. The poems are haunting, the evocation of emotional life vivid.
But Abu-Lughod’s analysis also reveals how deeply implicated poetry and sentiment are in the play of power and the maintenance of social hierarchy. What begins as a puzzle about a single poetic genre becomes a reflection on the politics of sentiment and the complexity of culture. This thirtieth anniversary edition includes a new afterword that reflects on developments both in anthropology and in the lives of this community of Awlad 'Ali Bedouins, who find themselves increasingly enmeshed in national political and social formations. The afterword ends with a personal meditation on the meaning—for all involved—of the radical experience of anthropological fieldwork and the responsibilities it entails for ethnographers. 'Article Lila Abu-Lughod Statement.' ♥ Book Title: Writing Women's Worlds♣ Name Author: Lila Abu-Lughod∞ Launching: 2008-04-07◊ Info ISBN Link: 514⊗ Detail ISBN code: ⊕ Number Pages: Total 267 sheet♮ News id: N6gwDwAAQBAJ☯ Full Synopsis: 'Extrait de la couverture: ' In 1978 Lila Abu-Lughod climbed out of a dusty van to meet members of a small Awlad 'Ali Bedouin community.
Living in this Egyptian Bedouin settlement for extended periods during the following decade, Abu-Lughod took part in family life, with its moments of humor, affection, and anger. As the new teller of these tales Abu-Lughod draws on anthropological and feminist insights to construct a critical ethnography. She explores how the telling of these stories challenges the power of anthropological theory to render adequately the lives of others and the way feminist theory appropriates Third World women.
Writing Women's Worlds is thus at once a vivid set of stories and a study in the politics of representation.' 'Article Lila Abu-Lughod Statement.' ♥ Book Title: Exam Prep for: Veiled Sentiments♣ Name Author: David Mason∞ Launching: 2019-07-24◊ Info ISBN Link: PKEY:QA3145936⊗ Detail ISBN code:⊕ Number Pages: Total 800 sheet♮ News id: acqkDwAAQBAJ☯ Full Synopsis: '5,600 Exam Prep questions and answers. Ebooks, Textbooks, Courses, Books Simplified as questions and answers by Rico Publications. Very effective study tools especially when you only have a limited amount of time. They work with your textbook or without a textbook and can help you to review and learn essential terms, people, places, events, and key concepts. 'Article David Mason Statement.'
♥ Book Title: Do Muslim Women Need Saving?♣ Name Author: Lila Abu-Lughod∞ Launching: 2013-11-12◊ Info ISBN Link: 338⊗ Detail ISBN code: ⊕ Number Pages: Total 335 sheet♮ News id: dea9AAAAQBAJ☯ Full Synopsis: 'Do Muslim Women Need Saving? Is an indictment of a mindset that has justified all manner of foreign interference, including military invasion, in the name of rescuing women from Islam.
It offers a detailed, moving portrait of the actual experiences of ordinary Muslim women, and of the contingencies with which they live. 'Article Lila Abu-Lughod Statement.' ♥ Book Title: Dramas of Nationhood♣ Name Author: Lila Abu-Lughod∞ Launching: 2008-05-30◊ Info ISBN Link: ⊗ Detail ISBN code: 982⊕ Number Pages: Total 324 sheet♮ News id: H98je03MU04C☯ Full Synopsis: 'How do people come to think of themselves as part of a nation? Dramas of Nationhood identifies a fantastic cultural form that binds together the Egyptian nation—television serials. These melodramatic programs—like soap operas but more closely tied to political and social issues than their Western counterparts—have been shown on television in Egypt for more than thirty years. In this book, Lila Abu-Lughod examines the shifting politics of these serials and the way their contents both reflect and seek to direct the changing course of Islam, gender relations, and everyday life in this Middle Eastern nation.
Representing a decade's worth of research, Dramas of Nationhood makes a case for the importance of studying television to answer larger questions about culture, power, and modern self-fashionings. Abu-Lughod explores the elements of developmentalist ideology and the visions of national progress that once dominated Egyptian television—now experiencing a crisis. She discusses the broadcasts in rich detail, from the generic emotional qualities of TV serials and the depictions of authentic national culture, to the debates inflamed by their deliberate strategies for combating religious extremism. 'Article Lila Abu-Lughod Statement.' ♥ Book Title: Media Worlds♣ Name Author: Faye D.
Ginsburg∞ Launching: 2002-10-23◊ Info ISBN Link: 169⊗ Detail ISBN code: ⊕ Number Pages: Total 429 sheet♮ News id: kS5Ra-WNIIQC☯ Full Synopsis: 'This groundbreaking volume showcases the exciting work emerging from the ethnography of media, a burgeoning new area in anthropology that expands both social theory and ethnographic fieldwork to examine the way media—film, television, video—are used in societies around the globe, often in places that have been off the map of conventional media studies. The contributors, key figures in this new field, cover topics ranging from indigenous media projects around the world to the unexpected effects of state control of media to the local impact of film and television as they travel transnationally. Their essays, mostly new work produced for this volume, bring provocative new theoretical perspectives grounded in cross-cultural ethnographic realities to the study of media. 'Article Faye D.
Ginsburg Statement.' ♥ Book Title: Consuming Grief♣ Name Author: Beth A. Conklin∞ Launching: 2010-01-10◊ Info ISBN Link: 549⊗ Detail ISBN code: ⊕ Number Pages: Total 320 sheet♮ News id: kNLXbTJ29EkC☯ Full Synopsis: 'Mourning the death of loved ones and recovering from their loss are universal human experiences, yet the grieving process is as different between cultures as it is among individuals.
As late as the 1960s, the Wari' Indians of the western Amazonian rainforest ate the roasted flesh of their dead as an expression of compassion for the deceased and for his or her close relatives. By removing and transforming the corpse, which embodied ties between the living and the dead and was a focus of grief for the family of the deceased, Wari' death rites helped the bereaved kin accept their loss and go on with their lives. Drawing on the recollections of Wari' elders who participated in consuming the dead, this book presents one of the richest, most authoritative ethnographic accounts of funerary cannibalism ever recorded. Beth Conklin explores Wari' conceptions of person, body, and spirit, as well as indigenous understandings of memory and emotion, to explain why the Wari' felt that corpses must be destroyed and why they preferred cannibalism over cremation. Her findings challenge many commonly held beliefs about cannibalism and show why, in Wari' terms, it was considered the most honorable and compassionate way of treating the dead.
'Article Beth A. Conklin Statement.'